Easter (Resurrection) Sunday

Yes, it is after Easter (Resurrection) Sunday – Third Appearance of Jesus to His Disciples – John 21:1-6
• Yes, after Easter (Resurrection) Sunday morning, the Great Commission – the Gospel Mandate was delivered by Jesus Christ to the eleven disciples – Matthew 28v16-20.
• Which is “ go and make disciples of all the nations……”
• But Peter, but Peter with Thomas, and two other disciples chose to go fishing…
• Fishing as in the secular work, skills, profession that the Master called Peter out from in Luke 5
• Just heard you saying …..”whole Peter returning to his vomit”..hummm …….
• Before you judged and crucified Peter as disobedient and naughty, examine yourself…..
• Disobedience is Noncompliance, Naughtiness, Waywardness, Rebelliousness to the Word of God, which makes God unhappy and sad.
• Simply the adamic sinful nature, love of the world, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life that you repeatedly engage in …….. then remove the lug first in your eyes!
• Brothers and Sisters, after Easter (Resurrection) Sunday like today is a good and perfect time to return. Why?
• John 21v3 says they caught NOTHING. Haaaa!!! Fruitless labor, Profitless hard labor, Unrewarded time and services…………..
• Irrespective of the skills, talents, show business, energy, money and time you are committing, deploying into the service of the Kingdom, as long as it is IN DISOBEDIENCE, the end result is NOTHING, NO REWARD, NO HARVEST should be expected.
• Thank Goodness, God is not a man…….. by two immutable things for which it is impossible for God to lie, His Oath and His Promise (Hebrews 6v18) ….guessed what? Suddenly, I say suddenly…
• John 21v4 – At dawn Jesus was standing at the beach but the disciples could not see who He was….. Jesus is showing up in your service today!
• Today, as you repent by yielding and surrendering to Jesus, I pray for you as follows: By His Oath and Promises that:
every water of disobedience, rivers of iniquity and sea of rebellion that you are currently swimming and fishing in will dry up in Jesus name
Your Unfruitfulness, Profitless hard labor, Unrewarded investment in time and money is ending today in Jesus name
By the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, you are experiencing a turnaround for good in Jesus name
For every past labor, you are receiving double favor; for every past pain, you are receiving double gains,; for every past test, you are getting double testimonies in Jesus name.
• Because John 21v6 says Jesus spoke ……….they obeyed and they could not haul in the net because there were so many fish in it. Shalom
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