May 2019

Yes, it is after Easter (Resurrection) Sunday – Third Appearance of Jesus to His Disciples – John 21:1-6 • Yes, after Easter (Resurrection) Sunday morning, the Great Commission – the Gospel Mandate was delivered by Jesus Christ to the eleven disciples – Matthew 28v16-20. • Which is “ go and make disciples of all the nations……” • But Peter, but Peter with Thomas, and two other disciples chose to go fishing… • Fishing as in the secular work, skills, profession that the Master called Peter out from in Luke 5 • Just......
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Dec 2018

Meekness is restraining of one’s might and power. It is a display of humility and grace. It is a constraint on the power of words and actions. It is handing over of might/strength to God’s guidance. It is acceptance of God’s view on all matters including thought. Isaiah 55:9 What are the benefits of meekness? i. Through meekness, erring fellow can be corrected and restored ii. Forgiveness of others is easy. Matthew 18:23-35 iii. Competitions and sectarianism will disappear. Philippians 1 :15-18 iv. Believers will complement one another in the ministry v.......
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Nov 2018
BIBLE PASSAGE: ACTS 2:41-44. 2:42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 2:43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. 2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; INTRODUCTION. A close study of the daily life of the first Apostolic Church reveals certain peculiarities worthy of note. Acts 2:42 Gideon Bible says “All the believers continually and faithfully devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, to......
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Oct 2018

A thought-provoking question from our Beloved Daddy G.O. Pst Adeboye yesterday night…..are you the man that God is using or the man that is using God? Matthew 7v20 says wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. ….it is not a matter of how long you have been a Christian, it is not your position or title you carry in your assembly or whether you are poor or rich but the answer to the question is dependent on the VALUE of your sacrifice and LEVEL OF RISK you are willing to take......
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