Acts 1v8 illuminate my heart and understanding on why the Christiandom has become passive to evangelism and mission oriented ministry. The Holy Spirit was sent in a special way to the world at Pentecost – Acts 2:1-4. The missionary work of the apostles started with the Holy Spirit -Acts 8:29; Peter was sent by the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles -Acts 10v19-20; He sent out missionaries in Acts 13v2-4 and prevented them from going to Asia Minor or Bithynia -Acts 16v6-7, directing them to Troas where they got the Macedonia call to a whole new Continent -Acts 16v8-9. The Holy Spirit continued to direct their movements. Acts 19v21, Acts 20v22-23, Acts 21v 11-14.
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Easter (Resurrection) Sunday
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Fishing After Resurrection -John 21v3 – RCCG Iqaluit
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