Sermons Archive

Easter (Resurrection) Sunday

Category: Encouragement, Faith, Spritual Growth / Speaker: Pastor Rotimi Lawal
May 31, 2019

Yes, it is after Easter (Resurrection) Sunday – Third Appearance of Jesus to His Disciples – John 21:1-6 • Yes, after Easter (Resurrection) Sunday morning, the Great Commission – the Gospel Mandate was delivered by...

Fishing After Resurrection -John 21v3 – RCCG Iqaluit

Category: Faith, Spritual Growth / Speaker: Pastor Rotimi Lawal
May 31, 2019

Fishing After Resurrection -John 21v3 – “I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We’ll go with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they...

Yes, it is Easter Sunday – Matthew 28: 1-10 – RCCG Iqaluit

Category: Faith, Spritual Growth / Speaker: Pastor Rotimi Lawal
May 31, 2019

– Mary Magdalene is still watching and waiting at the tomb of Jesus – the big stone is still a barrier and the Roman Soldiers standing as obstacles – suddenly there was an earthquake, there...


Category: Encouragement, Faith / Speaker: Pastor Rotimi Lawal
March 20, 2019

• Yes, the bad, the ugly and good Friday is gone with the entire town on stand still watching and waiting • but the Roman soldiers and the power of the vested interest that killed...

I see Jesus

Category: Faith / Speaker: Pastor Rotimi Lawal
March 10, 2019

I see Jesus………. Hebrews 2v9-10 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of...


Category: Encouragement, Faith, Relationship, Spritual Growth / Speaker: Pastor Rotimi Lawal
January 20, 2019

SUNDAY SCHOOL: SUCCESSFUL PARENTING Bible Reading : 1Samuel 2:12-27; 29-30 Memory verse: “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord”. Eph. 6:4...

Pastor Lawal

Category: Faith / Speaker: Pastor Rotimi Lawal
January 11, 2019


Category: Encouragement, Life Worth Giving, Relationship / Speaker: Pastor Rotimi Lawal
December 09, 2018

Meekness is restraining of one’s might and power. It is a display of humility and grace. It is a constraint on the power of words and actions. It is handing over of might/strength to God’s...